Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Know Merchant Account and Payment Gateway

The person who is into the merchant account business or wants to know about this business should know about the merchant account provider. The company or banks will allow merchants to accept electronic check payments and credit cards over IP connection and through a website. Over the years, account providers manage the payment transaction submissions to processing networks and this is done on behalf of merchant customers by the retail merchant accounts or any account depending on the type of business of the merchant. These are the companies that let merchants manage/settle credit cards as well as ECTs through call centers, retail stores, mobile devices and websites.
If merchant connects website to PPN, it will be difficult process and it is something beyond technical resources and expertise of various businessmen doing the online businesses. This is the reason they want to connect to some payment gateway For Tech Support. There are certain companies having the complex infrastructure and these need security to ensure secure, fast and reliable transmission of transaction data.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Ecommerce Website Payment Gateway Service

By virtue of the payment gateway, there is help in financial transactions if the orders are made by the customers through the website, through the mobile phone or by way of the IVR services. By the help of this software, there is help in online business for carrying out payment transactions. The world uses the internet for different types of transactions and purchasing, the system is important to carry out the transactions in a secure manner. By the use of the payment gateway systems, the credit card systems become safe and smooth.
 When the customers carry transaction through the gateway systems, the credit card information is safe. In the gateway system, there are different functions as far as the process of transactions is concerned.  When the customer places the order, the encrypted information is sent to the web server. The order received by merchant server is sent to the payment gateway for Tech Support system for further process.
 The payment gateway is becoming a tool of progress for the electronic transaction or any type of electronic transaction.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Knowing About Payment Gateway

In the today time, one will surely have heard about the payment gateway if not all but a majority of population. This is in fact a complicated term and is very strongly understood only by the financial gurus. It is important of the person learns what the payment gateway is. It is important of the person learns about the functionality and the role. It is important of the person understands its role for acceptance of the credit card payments related to your products and services and if in case it is a tech support business, then the payment gateway for technical support has a relevance.
It is quite important to know what the payment gateway is. It is actually the online program working for the online businessman. In case the person is doing the online trading, then he will have to go for the payment gateway. One will have to learn the use of the payment gateway. This will work in conjunction with the shopping cart software. By the use of the online shopping cart, the customers will browse through the various products showcasing online and they can purchase any product or service. With the help of payment gateway for technical support, many important technical services offered by the genuine technical support companies are purchased. When the customer decides to purchase the services, he will proceed to the virtual checkout counter and it is here, the shopping cart software adds up cost of the chosen services but will also add the tax and charges in order to compute the final payment due. Shopping cart contains online form and it is here, the credit card number is entered by the customer apart from the related information of customer.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Online Payment Gateway for Technical Support -Making The Payment Processing Easy

In the present times, it has become easier than before to buy or sell the products or services online. In the times of today, merchants easily take customer payments from debit cards, credit cards, bank accounts, with the help of online payment gateway. A gateway is an automated secure system taking payment from buyer and delivering it to merchant. The service initiates the payment process and after that it authorizes it. After that, it will accept or decline the transaction and this will be based on the received information. The online payment gateway gives the multiple benefits for merchants and enables them to securely and quickly accept all reputed credit cards, ACH payments and the debit cards. It also reduces overall costs and increases the sales. It protects business and customer data with PCI complaint security. By this, one can take the benefit of the management tools that includes batching, detailed reports, voids and returns. The merchants who deal with the online payment gateway have the option to use online shopping cart, virtual terminal and also the smartphone applications for the acceptance of the online payments.
Virtual terminal operates in the same manner as the credit card terminal except for the fact that the virtual solution allows merchants to input manually the information related to the credit or the debit card on computer so that the transaction might be processed. Unlike the traditional machines that process the credit cards, virtual terminal is much more flexible and does neither require the hardware nor does it occupy any sort of business space.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chargebacks and Cutting Them by Using Payment Gateway

Charge back can be a major issue and one might have to deal with the chargebacks continually or constantly if one is into e-business. One can reduce the particular number of chargebacks with the help of payment gateway. Chargebacks can terrify because these are actually the damaging costs that one experiences in the e-commerce business. But if one applies the payment gateway, such costs can be mitigated to certain levels that can be accepted. 

Remember one thing; if you are new to ecommerce, you will be in a comparative safe zone if you invest genuinely and will try to familiarize yourself with the already experienced people in this area. Simply know this fact that the payment gateway for techsupport or any other online business is a service that will allow online merchant who is also the owner of ecommerce business to get credit cards processed by processor. Now, when it comes to the processor, it can be either non-bank or bank. Have a thought on it as the physical point where one can make the payment like the cashier point in a conventional store. When you go to the conventional store, you pick anything you are interested in and put it in shopping cart. On the way out, you pay for it. In the case of ecommerce, the same concept is used but there is no physical cart but a payment gateway that provides us the same in form of computer program. By this program, one can pick the things from the website related to the e-business and this it does, by adding it to the shopping cart. When you add items to the cart, you complete transaction with the help of your credit card. You can do this by swap or swapping credit card details on terminal. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Best Payment Gateway Security

E-commerce and technical support businesses are going very fast as far as the growth is concerned. Because of this, various companies that provide the payment services to the merchants is also on a high. In this field, the option range can vary but it is definitely very high but at the same time, it is hard to decide the one that is most suitable for the business. Selecting the best payment gateway is a hard choice. Before taking a decision in this matter, one will have to take certain things into consideration. Integration is an important factor. The person shall have to know whether the gateway is integrated to the shopping cart or not. It can be integrated but there are definitely the expectations. So, one has to check this aspect before looking into various other factors. Another thing is the charges and it is important for the different businesses especially the start ups.

 One will have to check the start up fees and one will have to ask for the charges that are required per single transaction and also the charges required for the monthly service. It is important to know how many transactions one is forecasting to do and it can also help as far as the selection of the suitable tariff is concerned.

Security is an important aspect here and it is important to work with PSP [paymentservice provider] that is level 1 PCI DSS complaint. This means that the servers and the networks associated with them are secure and can lead to the processing of various transactions in a secured manner. It can protect your customers and can also take away various types of obstacles that come in between the successful business operations. Another thing is the reports. Every payment gateway comes with the reporting tool of some kind that allows seeing the transactions that are done though your website. Tool quality and report generation differs from one provider to other. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Payment Processing Partner-The Right Selection

Software developers are busy in creating the specialized applications. These are solely designed to facilitate business processes in different markets ranging from the schools to the insurance companies. The diverse industries have something in common and the business software enables customer tracking. There are business software applications that do not take the general steps to enable automatic billing and many monthly charge collections. The easiest way to get this functionality is to partner with payment processing company that can provide a turnkey module integrating with the core business application. The following are certain tips for selecting such a partner.

Revenue Sharing--Look for a payment processing provider offering ongoing revenue sharing for various transactions processed by the customers. This way you not only provide additional value to customers, but you generate a recurring system as well. .
Easy Integration-- Payment processing system should have a robust API interface that easily integrates with business software package.
Branded Interface-  -Looking for a payment processing system that can be branded as an integral part of your business software package, not one that looks like a separate application.
Minimize Risk--Everyone is aware of the potential risks of fraudulent electronic transactions. As a business software application provider, managing risk is not your core business. Make certain that the payment processing provider assumes all risk related to transactions originating from your system.
Free Support- - Look for a payment processing provider that will provide 24/7 technical support for all of your customers using its system.
Free Training--Make certain that the payment processing provider supplies complete user guides for its system, and that it will provided free training to all your customers who choose to implement the payment processing functionality.
Combination ACH and Credit Card Gateway--Don't offer customers half solution. Look for payment processing system providing processing for both transaction of credit card and for ACH transactions.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Payment Gateway-Bringing Money For Shopping Cart

It is not easy to separate the payment gateway and shopping cart. There is need for the shopping cart when it comes to the online business. Let me take the liberty of differentiating between a shopping cart and associated payment gateways. Shopping cart is the backend software that enables you to sell products online whereas payment gateway is a service without which a business cannot accept money for goods/services sold. Personal and financial details submitted on e-store are transmitted to payment gateway service, which then securely routes the information through the relevant financial networks. Upon real time confirmation, your transaction appears completed. It’s just like you have gone to a grocery store and on checkout, you are asked for mode of payment - cash or card or voucher. For your convenience, store has partnered with different agencies for being able to accept money, and these are payment gateways.
 The transaction fees for payment gateway: One will have to do the homework regarding transaction cost per sale that can have an impact on the profits. Check the shopping cart provider regarding availability of the custom option without over the top investment. At UNICORN, we are offered the best.

Using the payment gateway for the business

In the present digital age, many businesses are creating the presence online. If the business accepts credit cards online from different customers, payment gateway becomes crucial for the day to day business. For making an online presence, it is quite important to understand the gateway. By the help of the payment gateway for tech support, the customers have a secured place as far as the payment of the merchandise is concerned. By integrating gateway and shopping cart to web page, you can receive the payments for the particular orders in a secure manner online without remembering to batch out the terminal by the end of the day. For the merchant, the gateway is a benefit. There are gateways available with many features. This makes operating the business less time consuming and easy. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Payment Gateway-Life Line of Online Business

The lifeline of any business is to earn money. But for the growth of the particular business, one will have to go for the advertisement and marketing. In the e commerce platform, the payment gateway system plays a big role. It needs search to get the right one for an online business. There are various aspects as far as selecting right payment system is concerned. This gives pleasure in doing business. The online customers also get pleasure in transacting through your website.

Coverage is an important factor when it comes to the payment gateway solution. If one is a local provider dealing with the focused business, one can manage the payment gateway accepting internet banking as payment mode. There are providers having net banking as option with lesser fees.

Big providers have different payment options as far as their customers are concerned. if they do not have such an option, they will end in losing to the competitors who are offering them  much  more payment method. Many times, purchase becomes difficult without credit card option. .Some is budget conscious and do not want to use credit card but will insist on using the debit card.

Monday, April 6, 2015

A Very Beneficial Option For Transactions

One of the important things to note about the online information is the payment verification and the transfer requests. Another thing is the certification of the credit cards in real time. For all these, one needs something called the payment gateway. There are companies existing in the market offering the Gateway to the small business.  The main importance of payment gateway for technical support and various other businesses is the transaction approval, protecting them using the encryption and preparing orders before processing.  The gateway holds responsibility that the customer has sufficient funds or credit that is to be paid for transaction. Upon the approval, it can submit results to the credit card processor so that the merchant will b e paid.
·         When transaction takes place, payment gateway executes multiple functions between merchant, customer and bank. An order is submitted via your website or credit card details are received from an “IVR” service.
·         Using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption, the order information is encrypted and sent from the customer’s browser to the merchant’s server, often encrypted again, and sent to another server hosted by the Payment Gateway.
·         This information is then sent to the merchant’s “acquiring bank” and forwarded to the customer’s issuing bank for confirmation. Depending upon the result, the card issuing bank will send either an approved or denied message back to the business’ website.
·         The acquiring bank forwards transaction information to the bank that originally issued the customer's credit card to obtain authorization.
·         The card issuing bank returns a response to the payment gateway or receiving bank via a response code. The card is either approved or denied and a response code is provided to explain the reason for denial if this should occur.
·         The payment gateway sends the response to the web site or other interface, where an 'Approved' or 'Denied' response is given to the customer. Typically, this only takes a few seconds.
·         Usually, acquiring banks will wait until the conclusion of the day to deposit a total amount of confirmed funds into a merchant’s account, whether it be an account with the acquiring bank, or a completely independent account.

The main advantage with the advanced gateways is that they can provide the complex packages that contain the tools for example shopping cart. One can invest the money in a gateway and some important factors are features, cost and reliability.